20 January 2012

A Peace Offering to My Friends (in their 20's & 30's) Entering the MLM Industry

Okay ... This goes out to all of my people who are going in hard on these MLM businesses.

And, NO ... I'm not about to "go in hard" as I have been infamously known to do.

However, I do want to give you some perspective. You see, my views and the opinions on the Multi-Level Marketing Industry are based on what I have personally seen and experienced over the course of two decades. The fact of the matter is, the industry has really cleaned up its image over the years, and under different circumstances - such as never having been introduced to the industry - I probably would be more inclined to go in. However, like any other path in life, I don't necessarily need to see it for myself in order for me to appreciate it for you.

These economic times are ripe for these businesses to promise all kinds of results. "Traditional" companies aren't hiring and many young people are coming out of school with degrees they can't find jobs for. So these MLM's come at you by way of people you know & trust. Then they get you to bring in people you know & trust and show you how to get those people to bring in people who THEY know & trust. When you get past all of the bells & whistles and pep rallies, that's the ONLY way you're going to make the money being promised.

In damn near 25 years, I've never seen anyone I know (and I'm not talking about people I was introduced to already in the business) make what they were promised; and while many of them DID "work the program," eventually - as always happens - the bubble popped and they got out. What's more sad is when I see people go from one MLM to the next, to the next, to the next - always looking for THE ONE.

For me, it's like riding on a train on which you've seen all of the stops, good and bad. The train rides on a track that goes around in a circle. It speeds through the bad areas & slows down when going through the good areas. When you get on the train it's while the train is going through the good areas. You see all of the wonderful things they can think of to show you and you get caught up. You might even make some change yourself, but as sure as water is wet, that train is going to make its stops in those badlands. I've been in those badlands I know people who have gone through those badlands. The MLM company will tell you not to worry about those badlands. They will tell you that as long as you're true to the system, in time, you will make money hand over fist. After all, look at (and that's when you're shown the up-lines of your predecessors up to the creators of the company).

So to my friends in the MLM industry ... I'm not going to try and talk you out of getting into or staying in these businesses. In fact, if you believe you can make it happen for yourselves, I want to believe it for you. Nothing would make me happier than to see one of you rolling up on me in your flossy new ride (with the pink-slip and registration in YOUR name); or for you to invite me to the house-warming of your (un-mortgaged) 7-bedroom mansion, and have you tell me it was what you learned from the company that made that happen for you.

However, while as your friend I wish you nothing but the best; and while you want me to respect this "business decision" you've made for yourselves, I want you to take an honest look at your condition and not the dream being sold to you and realize that if a person is thirsty enough, s/he will use sand to attempt to quench his/her thirst.

Good Luck.

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